Thursday, May 20, 2010

which other rubes are ridin' hot shot, sugar?

"all we need to figure out is who looks better in a jumpsuit."

Todaylist, 05/20/10
-got a job! I'll be selling high-end shampoo and other such salon products all summer. I'll also be wearing black all summer, though considerably more attractive blacks than TheatreVCU wanted, which means SEXY NEW WAAAAAAARDROOOOOOOBE!
-more laundry, and trying to figure out how to split my clothes (and other fun things) between two houses. that's something I sure didn't miss.
-dance concert with Ian. hungry, punchy, and confused as I was, I pretty much Statler-and-Waldorfed the whole goddamn thing. so much for trying to appreciate dance.

Now I'm trying to psych myself out for a full night of HOT CLEANING ACTION tomorrow in the River City, while Fancy's out doing God knows what with I know who. Something about it's not OK, but where the blame lies boggles the mind. I suppose it's more important that he's got a nice friend that'll make his first year a whole lot less difficult than it should be, you know? Still, I guess I'm...I don't know...a little hurt by the whole thing. I guess it's always gonna be messy now.
I just really hope they still let me come to Charlottesville in August. After all I've done, it would ten times harder to come back than it ever was to leave.