Sunday, May 30, 2010

secret agent super indifferent

Fine, I've been lazy. But, I mean, it's not like me laying in bed watching movies, then going to work at night, then coming back home and watching more movies warrants a post of some sort. Work's nice, I've only been there for a week and they're already trusting me with money. We get about 30 customers a day, so I've been getting a lot of reading done - at this rate, I'll finally finish A Confederacy of Dunces, and maybe even by the end of the week. I get visitors from time to time; mostly one, a cook-turned-retail slave who taught me how to effectively choke a person last night. (I didn't ask how he knows, because there really isn't a good answer to that question.) He fills my straight guy banter quota, which almost makes up for the fact that if I hear "Hey, Soul Sister" and "Eenie Meenie" one more freaking time, I swear to God I will flat iron my own face.
Today - more nothing. As such, I promise nothing. Cheers, little muffins!