Wednesday, May 19, 2010

we got ideas. to us, that's dear.

'Sup bitches?
I know, I know, I've got a Tumblr, and yes, it too is happy and fun. But I thought it might be nice to have a blog, too - if you've so much as been in a confined space with me, you're all too aware of my tendency to run off at the mouth, and Tumblr is really more for blurbs and pictures. That aside, I do have a legit reason for this tomfoolery. Since I really don't foresee a whole lot of productivity happening this summer, I thought I'd embark on a little project! I'm going to try, come hook, crook, hell, and high water, to write a little something every day this summer. Whether it's a little write-up of all the hideous, sexy debauchery I got myself into that day (read: hot reading action!), actual fictional writing, my manifesto, whatever, I'm going to write. After all, that's kind of the line of work I'm angling at. If I'm good at this, and I haven't moved on to my newest shiny thing once school starts up again, I might actually continue. I know - me, STICKING with something? Shock and awe! But seriously. This could be fun. Tedious, tooth-pulling fun.

A side note: I sense your worry, so yes, I will be maintaining the Tumblr while I'm doing whatever the hell it is I've got planned for this New Fun Thing. No need for all two of you that pay attention to things I do on the internet to be bereft of the song posts, screencaps, and YouTube madness that have all become my bread and butter. God knows we all need more bizarre, dry songs and bizarre, dry comedy in our lives.