Wednesday, May 19, 2010

steady as she goes

"a bed to be made...and a maid to be bedded!"

Todaylist, 05/19/10:
-college related ass savin'. if nothing else, they know I mean fucking business.

-job interview part deux: went well! the manager wants me to come in tomorrow in their dress code, which is black clothes and full makeup, before she commits to me. I don't wear makeup, y'all. this could get interesting.
-Fancy came by and we went on a lovely jaunt through lovely Ghent. discussed the Hatfield-McCoy standoff, which just got a new, triflin' level added to it. as per usual, Hatfield is the only active participant.
-MST3K on YouTube. haaaaaay! I'm basically on the kick from hell right now, and luckily, MSTies are computer proficient.

Thoughts I had and probably shouldn't tell anyone about but I thought were funny so I'm gonna do it anyway:
-funny enough, the thing I regret most about shagging a conservative is not that I did it (I'm actually really pleased with that decision), but rather that I forgot to ask him mid-coitus to "drill, baby, drill".
-my physical appearance and social skills totally betray what an unbelievable nerd I really am. Jesus, can someone just ship me back to 1989 already?