Wednesday, June 2, 2010

if i'm not first on your list, count me blue

Today has been cookin' day! Made a huge, fabulous dinner and took pictures of it. From top to bottom, it's an apple crisp over vanilla frozen yogurt, a detail shot of the Greek pizza I made, and then a bigger picture of the pizza. Both were absolutely amazing, and some of the best things I've ever cooked. In particular, the marinade for the chicken on the pizza was just ridiculous - I've never had any meat that tender or flavorful. Goddamnit I love food.

Also today, I had a long overdue visit with my shrink. The woman's a miracle worker. I doubt I'd be anywhere near as OK as I am now had I not seen her all last summer. Whatever's going on now can't even fathom being as bad as last year was, but it's always nice to have someone to talk me out of believing that how I feel is totally crackers.